我公司主要经营欧洲、美国等生产的工业阀门阀门附件 检测仪表 工业过滤产品 工业电器 工业流量仪表 GE燃机备件 气动元件机械传动等
联系人:罗宇 手机:15030432686
电 话:0335-7927666-807 QQ:2814162911 1608083584
传 真:0335-7920636
Your boards are assembled on state-of-the-art, high-precision and highly flexible pick-and-place machines.
The annual maintenance of our systems guarantees a constant level of accuracy across the entire component spectrum from the chip size 0201 to the BGAs with an edge length of 50 x 50 mm. The assembly rate is max. ca 35,000 units per hour. It should also be noted that the entire spectrum of state-of-the-art components can be assembled, e.g. BGAs, µBGAs, CSPs, QFNs or QFPs
For the soldering that takes place after the THT assembly two wave-soldering systems from Kirsten Soldering AG. are used. The patented jet wave of the soldering systems guarantees the flawless and gentle processing of subassemblies with a maximum b of 400 mm.
The negative pressure generated by the flow of the solder is exerted in a gentle but constant manner on the components on the top side of the PCBs. Thus they remain in b and do not rise up, as is usually the case with other systems using Wörthmann or double wave. Perfect results with special masks are also achieved with selective soldering processes – both with leaded and unleaded solders.