QUART DVT_KP DIN 6868-15 CBCT Constancy Test Phantom
The QUART DVT_KP phantom is designed to be used for routine QA/QC within the full range of Cone Beam CT (CBCT), Dental Volume Tomography (DVT) and 3D imaging equipment.
The phantom fully complies with DIN 6868-15 for CBCT constancy tests.
Only one exposure required to create 3D data set containing all required beters to buate image quality. Automated buation through unique QUART QA/QC software.Phantom can be applied for field sizes from 4x4cm to large fields-of-view (FOV). Customised holders for a variety of CBCT systems available.
Technical Specifications SPATIAL RESOLUTION: Line spread function STANDARD TEST OBJECTS: PMMA / Air / PVC MATERIAL EQUIVALENTS: Free Air / Soft tissue / Bone POSTIONING TOOLS: Linear (top side) / Selective markers SIZE: Ø 16 cm, height: 15 cm Parameters
Nyquist Frequency (NF) Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) Homogeneity / Image Unibity Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) at 10 % and 50 % Artefacts, Image Flaws