APPLICATION: Used as bare overhead conductor for primary and secondary distribution. Designed for utilizing a high-strength aluminum-alloy to achieve a high strength-to-weight ratio; affords good sag characteristics. 1.AAAC conductors are extensively used for overhead distribution and transmission lines adjacent to ocean coastlines wherethere can be a problem of corrosion in the steel of an ACSR construction. 2.The aluminum alloy conductors are used in replace of single-layer ACSR conductors to reduce power loss in overhead distribution and transmission lines,when replacing the aluminum conductor steel reinforced , the AAAC can save 5-8% of the construction cost. 3.AAACreferred to have higher strength but lower conductivity than purealuminum. Being lighter, alloy conductors can sometimes be used to replace theconventional ACSR. CONSTRUCTION: AAAC is concentric-lay- stranded, similar in construction and appearance with1350 grade aluminum conductors. They were developed to the need of economical conductor for overhead applications requiring higher strength than that of 1350 grade aluminum conductors, but without a steel core.