VOGELE福格勒摊铺机进口配件4601112253料斗挡料板业兴通(378)Защита (пластина бункера)
VOGELE福格勒摊铺机进口配件4601112253料斗挡料板业兴通(378)安机客商城优惠供应福格勒摊铺机配件,主要服务的机型有:S2100-3L S1900-3L S1880L S1880L-3 S800 S700 S800-3 S700-3 S1300-3 S1100-3 S1603-L S1803-3 S1800-3SJ S1800-2HD S1603-2 S1100-3 S1900-2 S2100-2 S1803-2 S1800-2 S1203 S1603-1 S1800-1 S2100 S2100C S1900-3 S1800 S1600L等机型福格勒摊铺机全系列配件并提供福格勒摊铺机维修和大修业务。
Hello, my dear friend, we are Jinan Yexingtong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., China. The company is committed to importing the spare parts and maintenance business of pavers, rollers, planing machines and skid loaders made in China. Founded in 2003, the company specializes in the spare parts and maintenance business of pavement equipment and road maintenance equipment, with a professional sales service team and more than 20 million spare parts inventory. The products are of high quality and affordable, and our customers are all over the world.
Our main service models and manufacturers: bomag writgen hamm vogele Carterpiler DYANPAC Volvo ABG sakai bobcats case DEUTZ Cummins SANY Zhonglian Xugong (XCMG) and other engineering machinery parts.
If you need accessories, please visit our website安机客路面机械平台 www.ajk1718.com
24-hour service hotline: 18765892577
济南业兴通工程机械有限公司主要德国福格勒摊铺机配件与维修业务,常年提供福格勒摊铺机如下配件:空滤 机滤 柴滤 油水分离器 液滤等保养套餐;提供福格勒摊铺机刮板大链条 挡料板 刮料板 链条活节 刮板链轮轴总成 输料底板 刮板大链条链保护 刮板链条 刮板上链轮 刮板下链轮 刮板马达减速机 刮板前导向轮等输料系统配件;提供福格勒摊铺机各种叶片 搅拢轴 各种挡板 螺旋链条 螺旋上链轮 螺旋下链轮 轴承 叶片螺栓 主机吊架 延长段吊架 浆片 反向叶片等分料系统配件;常年提供福格勒摊铺机履带板 履带板螺栓 链轨 支重轮 托带轮 导向轮 驱动轮齿 行走马达减速机 履带张紧油缸 黄油嘴工具 黄油嘴等行走系统配件;常年提供福格勒摊铺机熨平底板 耐磨条 联轴器 加热棒 夯锤条等熨平板配件;常年提供发动机气弹簧 顶棚气弹簧 侧盖气弹簧 顶棚油缸 顶棚升降液压泵 料斗油缸 找平油缸 熨平板提升油缸 螺旋提升油缸 各种各种泵马达,各种泵马达油缸修理包等液压系统配件;常年提供各种开关 继电器 行走控制手柄 料位器 行程开关 料位开关 找平仪 平衡梁 各种线束等电器件。保证质量,敬请咨询。河北VOGELE福格勒摊铺机进口配件4601112253料斗挡料板业兴通(378)