This HEA ignition unit is of low-voltage capacitor discharging type. It features in low discharging volts, high energy, and compact size, easy-carrying, safe and simplified operation. It is widely used in industries of electricity, petrochemical, bllurgical, aviation, etc.
Working Principle
This HEA Ignition Unit consists of XDH series ignition exciter, XDZ series spark rod and XDL series cable.
Supply an AC230V voltage to the ignition exciter. This b voltage is converted to an D.C pulse voltage by step-up transber and rectifier and charges an energy-storing capacitor. When the voltage across the capacitor reaches the breakdown level of the discharging tube, the capacitor discharges and the discharging current flows through discharging tube, choke coil, connecting cable and spark rod to produce high energy sparks at the spark rod firing gap. When the exciter stops, residual electricity is discharged through the discharge resistor.
Figure 1: XDH-20W (Aluminum cast case) outline dimensional drawing