西门子6SL3210-1PE31-8UL0西门子6SL3210-1PE31-8UL0西门子6SL3210-1PE31-8UL0西门子6SL3210-1PE31-8UL0西门子6SL3210-1PE31-8UL0通过将 DC UPS 模块与至少一个 24 VDC 电池模块和一个 SITOP 电源组合,可以缓冲较长时间的电源故障而不会中断。即使需要更大的缓冲电流,带有免维护铅蓄电池的 DC UPS 也能安全供电。它可以缓冲长达数小时的电源故障,并提供最大 40 A 电流。
联系人:万工 18621018503
这些可并联的电池模块能够在数小时内缓冲电源故障。这样,过程或其中的各部分就可以连续运行,对测量值进行连续记录,并保持童心不间断。必须关闭的高性能工业 PC 会有略高的能量需求。尤其是大型机柜在关闭期间仍继续运行的情况。例如,DC UPS 可在机床生产、纺织领域、所有类型的生产线、灌瓶装置以及风力发电厂的障碍灯中使用。
通过串行或 USB 接口以及免费的软件工具,可方便地与 PC 通信。
采用 SITOP DC UPS 和电池模块的配置:24 V 缓冲可以保持通信、信号和传感器测量值。为减轻 UPS 上的负载,执行器直接从电源装置供电。
通过 USB 接口,可以将与不间断直流电源的状态有关的所所有消息传送到 PC(如 SIMATIC IPC)。也可以通过 USB 接口来配置 DC UPS。
SITOP DC UPS 软件为用户提供了一个免费工具,可用来监控和组态 DC UPS,非常容易使用。来自不间断直流电源的信号可在 PC 上进行处理。在监控模式下,不间断直流电源的状态显示在 PC 上。
发生电源故障时安全关断,并可自动重启 PC。也可以任意定义对不间断直流电源的不同运行状态的响应,因此可非常灵活地集成到各种应用中。
该软件可在操作系统 Windows 2000、Windows XP、Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 中运行。可从以下网址免费下载:
软件 SITOP DC UPS V3 的监控和组态窗口
SITOP Selection Tool 根据相应条件(如所需的后备时间、负载电流、峰值电流和电池连接阈值)提供了详细选型指南,请见以下网址:
负载电流 |
电池模块 1.2 Ah |
电池模块 3.2 Ah |
电池模块 7 Ah |
电池模块 12 Ah (6EP1935-6MF01) |
电池模块 2.5 Ah |
1 A |
34.5 小时 |
2.6 小时 |
5.4 小时 |
9 小时 |
2 小时 |
2 A |
15 分钟 |
1 小时 |
2.6 小时 |
4.6 小时 |
1 小时 |
3 A |
9 分钟 |
39.3 分钟 |
1.6 小时 |
2.9 小时 |
37.5 分钟 |
4 A |
6.5 分钟 |
27.1 分钟 |
1.2 小时 |
2.2 小时 |
27 分钟 |
6 A |
3.5 分钟 |
17.5 分钟 |
41 分钟 |
1.2 小时 |
17.6 分钟 |
8 A |
2 分钟 |
12.1 分钟 |
28.6 分钟 |
53.3 分钟 |
12.5 分钟 |
10 A |
1 分钟 |
9 分钟 |
21.8 分钟 |
43.5 分钟 |
8.8 min |
12 A |
- |
7 分钟 |
17.3 分钟 |
33.3 分钟 |
6.8 分钟 |
14 A |
- |
5 分钟 |
15.1 分钟 |
27.5 分钟 |
5.1 分钟 |
16 A |
- |
4 分钟 |
12.5 分钟 |
23.8 分钟 |
4.3 分钟 |
20 A |
- |
1 分钟 |
9.1 分钟 |
20.1 分钟 |
- |
25 A |
- |
- |
- |
12.6 分钟 |
- |
30 A |
- |
- |
- |
9.1 分钟 |
- |
35 A |
- |
- |
- |
17.1 分钟(2 x 12 Ah) |
- |
40 A |
- |
- |
- |
13.5 分钟(2 x 12 Ah) |
- |
应根据电池是新电池或未老化的电池的放电周期来选择电源缓冲时间,缓冲时间是在不低于 +25 °C 的电池温度下完全充电的电磁模块直至 DC UPS 关闭的时间。
电池老化会将电池寿命结束之前仍然可用的电池容量缩短到通常为新电池的原始容量值(1.2 Ah/3.2 Ah/7 Ah 等)的 50%,且内部电阻会增加。当在电池使用寿命结束时显示消息“电池电量 > 85%”(Battery charge > 85%) 时,可用电池容量仅为原始容量的大约 43% (50% x 85%)。
在电池 温度低于 +25 °C 时,可用容量会在 +5 °C 电池温度下另外下降约 30%,下降至大约剩余容量 43% 的大约 70%。此时容量仅为原始容量的大约 30%。
因此,在对装置进行组态时,必须选择明显更高的电池容量:可通过选择 1/(约 0.5)(大约等于电池容量的两倍)来补偿大约 50% 的容量下降(根据相关负载电流和相关缓冲时间的表)。可通过选择 1/(约 0.43)(大约等于电池容量的 2.33 倍)来补偿大约 43% 的可用容量。可通过选择 1/(约 0.3)(大约等于电池容量的 3.33 倍)来补偿大约 30% 的可用容量。
建议电池在达到电池预期使用寿命的一半时(容量降低至大约 50%)定期更换电池,而不是安装双倍电池容量,原因是,在达到电池预期寿命的一半(或略微超过一半)之前,容量不会下降到 100% 以下。通过在此点之后定期更换电池,由于老化,只能安装单倍电池容量(而不是双倍容量)(在电池模块成本方面,高于中间价格,但仅需要一半空间)。
若使用寿命过半之后更换电池,可不必考虑电池使用结束时较大的分散剩余容量范围,这一范围未由电池厂商精确确定(全部时间之后,很多电池会高于平均 50% 剩余容量,但很多电池会低于 50%,也就是说,即使安装双倍容量,使用寿命结束时老化的影响也不会可靠得到补偿,而只是获得一般程度的补偿)-> 若在超过预期使用寿命一半时更换,就会以很高的可靠性保持所设定的缓冲时间。
对于在较低温度(不高于 +25 °C)下储存且储存时间不长于大约 4 个月的电池,可假定有以下使用寿命,其在很大程度上取决于电池温度。
电池温度 |
下降到大约 50% 剩余容量 |
建议:更换(在 100% 剩余容量下) |
其它建议: |
+20 °C |
4 年 |
2 年 |
+30 °C |
2 年 |
1 年 |
+40 °C |
1 年 |
0.5 年 |
安装双倍容量且每年更换一次 |
正常情况下(安装在控制柜中温度最低的位置,大约 +30 °C),因根据选型表,在 1 年使用时间之后更换为单倍容量电池!
Article number |
6EP1931-2DC21 |
6EP1931-2EC21 |
6EP1931-2FC21 |
product brandname |
SITOP DC UPS module |
SITOP DC UPS module |
SITOP DC UPS module |
Type of current supply |
DC UPS 24 V/6 A |
DC UPS 24 V/15 A |
DC UPS 24 V/40 A |
Input |
Supply voltage at DC Rated value |
24 V |
24 V |
24 V |
Voltage curve at b |
DC |
DC |
DC |
b voltage range |
22 ... 29 V DC |
22 ... 29 V DC |
22 ... 29 V DC |
Adjustable response value voltage for buffer connection preset |
22.5 V |
22.5 V |
22.5 V |
Adjustable response value voltage for buffer connection |
22 ... 25.5 V; Adjustable in 0.5 V increments |
22 ... 25.5 V; Adjustable in 0.5 V increments |
22 ... 25.5 V; Adjustable in 0.5 V increments |
Input current at rated b voltage 24 V Rated value |
6 A; + approx. 0.6 A with empty battery |
15 A; + approx. 1 A with empty battery |
40 A; + approx. 2.6 A with empty battery |
Mains buffering |
Type of energy storage |
with batteries |
with batteries |
with batteries |
Design of the mains power cut bridging-connection |
Dependent on connected battery and load current, see selection table battery module and mains buffering times as well as the relevant important inbation notes! |
Dependent on connected battery and load current, see selection table battery module and mains buffering times as well as the relevant important inbation notes! |
Dependent on connected battery and load current, see selection table battery module and mains buffering times as well as the relevant important inbation notes! |
Charging current |
0.2 A |
0.35 A |
1 A |
0.4 A |
0.7 A |
2 A |
adjustable charging current maximum Note |
factory setting approx. 0.4 A |
factory setting approx. 0.7 A |
factory setting approx. 2 A |
Output |
Output voltage |
24 V |
24 V |
24 V |
24 V |
24 V |
24 V |
Formula for output voltage |
Vin - approx. 0.5 V |
Vin - approx. 0.5 V |
Vin - approx. 0.5 V |
ON-delay time typical |
1 s |
1 s |
1 s |
Voltage increase time of the output voltage typical |
60 ms |
60 ms |
360 ms |
Output voltage in buffering mode at DC |
19 ... 28.5 V |
19 ... 28.5 V |
19 ... 28.5 V |
Output current |
6 A |
15 A |
40 A |
0 ... 6 A |
0 ... 15 A |
0 ... 40 A |
0 ... 6 A |
0 ... 15 A |
0 ... 40 A |
Peak current |
6.3 A |
15.7 A |
42 A |
Property of the output Short-circuit proof |
Yes |
Yes |
Supplied active power typical |
144 W |
360 W |
960 W |
Efficiency |
Efficiency in percent |
95 % |
96.2 % |
97.2 % |
94.5 % |
96 % |
96.9 % |
Power loss [W] |
7 W |
14 W |
28.6 W |
8 W |
15 W |
33.6 W |
Protection and monitoring |
Product function |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Signaling |
Display version |
Normal operation: LED green (OK), floating changeover contact "Bat/OK" to setting "OK" ("OK" means: Voltage of the supplying power supply unit is greater than cut-in threshold set at the DC UPS module); Lack of buffer standby: LED red (alarm), floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" to setting "Alarm"; Battery replacement required: LED red (alarm) flashing with approx. 0.25 Hz, floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" switching with approx. 0.25 Hz; Energy storage > 85%: LED green (Bat > 85%), floating NO contact "Bat > 85" closed; Permissible contact current capacity: DC 60 V/1 A or AC 30 V /1 A |
Normal operation: LED green (OK), floating changeover contact "Bat/OK" to setting "OK" ("OK" means: Voltage of the supplying power supply unit is greater than cut-in threshold set at the DC UPS module); Lack of buffer standby: LED red (alarm), floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" to setting "Alarm"; Battery replacement required: LED red (alarm) flashing with approx. 0.25 Hz, floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" switching with approx. 0.25 Hz; Energy storage > 85%: LED green (Bat > 85%), floating NO contact "Bat > 85" closed; Permissible contact current capacity: DC 60 V/1 A or AC 30 V /1 A |
Normal operation: LED green (OK), floating changeover contact "Bat/OK" to setting "OK" ("OK" means: Voltage of the supplying power supply unit is greater than cut-in threshold set at the DC UPS module); Lack of buffer standby: LED red (alarm), floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" to setting "Alarm"; Battery replacement required: LED red (alarm) flashing with approx. 0.25 Hz, floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" switching with approx. 0.25 Hz; Energy storage > 85%: LED green (Bat > 85%), floating NO contact "Bat > 85" closed; Permissible contact current capacity: DC 60 V/1 A or AC 30 V /1 A |
Buffered mode: LED yellow (Bat), floating changeover contact "OK/Bat" to setting "Bat"; Prewarning battery voltage < 20.4 VDC: LED red (alarm), floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" to setting "Alarm"; Energy storage > 85%: LED green (Bat > 85%), floating NO contact "Bat > 85" closed |
Buffered mode: LED yellow (Bat), floating changeover contact "OK/Bat" to setting "Bat"; Prewarning battery voltage < 20.4 VDC: LED red (alarm), floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" to setting "Alarm"; Energy storage > 85%: LED green (Bat > 85%), floating NO contact "Bat > 85" closed |
Buffered mode: LED yellow (Bat), floating changeover contact "OK/Bat" to setting "Bat"; Prewarning battery voltage < 20.4 VDC: LED red (alarm), floating changeover contact "Alarm/Bat" to setting "Alarm"; Energy storage > 85%: LED green (Bat > 85%), floating NO contact "Bat > 85" closed |
Interface |
Product component PC interface |
No |
No |
No |
Design of the interface |
without |
without |
without |
Safety |
Galvanic isolation between entrance and outlet |
No |
No |
No |
Operating resource protection class |
Class III |
Class III |
Class III |
Certificate of suitability |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
cULus-Listed (UL 508, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1), File E197259 |
cULus-Listed (UL 508, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1), File E197259 |
cULus-Listed (UL 508, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1), File E197259 |
- |
- |
- |
No |
No |
No |
Shipbuilding approval |
Protection class IP |
IP20 |
IP20 |
IP20 |
Standard |
EN 55022 Class B |
EN 55022 Class B |
EN 55022 Class B |
EN 61000-6-2 |
EN 61000-6-2 |
EN 61000-6-2 |
Operating data |
Ambient temperature |
-25 ... +60 °C; with natural convection |
-25 ... +60 °C; with natural convection |
-25 ... +60 °C; with natural convection |
-40 ... +85 °C |
-40 ... +85 °C |
-40 ... +85 °C |
-40 ... +85 °C |
-40 ... +85 °C |
-40 ... +85 °C |
Environmental category acc. to IEC 60721 |
Climate class 3K3, no condensation |
Climate class 3K3, no condensation |
Climate class 3K3, no condensation |
Mechanics |
Type of electrical connection |
screw-type terminals |
screw-type terminals |
screw-type terminals |
24 V DC: 2 screw terminals for 1 ... 4 mm2/17 ... 11 AWG |
24 V DC: 2 screw terminals for 1 ... 4 mm2/17 ... 11 AWG |
24 V DC: 2 screw terminals for 0.33 ... 10 mm2/22 ... 7 AWG |
24 V DC: 4 screw terminals for 1 ... 4 mm2/17 ... 11 AWG |
24 V DC: 4 screw terminals for 1 ... 4 mm2/17 ... 11 AWG |
24 V DC: 2 screw terminals for 0.33 ... 10 mm2/22 ... 7 AWG |
24 V DC: 2 screw terminals for 1 ... 4 mm2/17 ... 11 AWG |
24 V DC: 2 screw terminals for 1 ... 4 mm2/17 ... 11 AWG |
24 V DC: 2 screw terminals for 0.33 ... 10 mm2/22 ... 7 AWG |
10 screw terminals for 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2/20 ... 13 AWG |
10 screw terminals for 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2/20 ... 13 AWG |
10 screw terminals for 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2/20 ... 13 AWG |
Width of the enclosure |
50 mm |
50 mm |
102 mm |
Height of the enclosure |
125 mm |
125 mm |
125 mm |
Depth of the enclosure |
125 mm |
125 mm |
125 mm |
Required spacing |
50 mm |
50 mm |
50 mm |
50 mm |
50 mm |
50 mm |
0 mm |
0 mm |
0 mm |
0 mm |
0 mm |
0 mm |
Net weight |
0.4 kg |
0.4 kg |
1.1 kg |
Product feature of the enclosure housing for side-by-side mounting |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mounting type |
Snaps onto DIN rail EN 60715 35x7.5/15 |
Snaps onto DIN rail EN 60715 35x7.5/15 |
Snaps onto DIN rail EN 60715 35x7.5/15 |
Electrical accessories |
Battery module |
Battery module |
Battery module |
MTBF at 40 °C |
1 085 776 h |
791 139 h |
522 739 h |
Equipment marking acc. to DIN EN 81346-2 |
T |
T |
T |
Other inbation |
Specifications at rated b voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified) |
Specifications at rated b voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified) |
Specifications at rated b voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified) |