长期现货优势供应ATS177-PG-B-B 13603002724 黄先生<br/>ATS177系列双极锁存霍尔效应集成传感器:是由一个稳压电源,霍尔电压发生器,差分放大器,施密特触发器和输出放大器组成的磁敏传感电路。<br/><br/>产品特点:反向电压保护/电源电压范围宽/易焊性好。<br/><br/>典型应用场合:直流无刷风机/直流无刷电机/高灵敏的无触点开关。<br/><br/>电源电压4.5--20V。<br/><br/> Features<br/><br/> - 3.5V to 20V DC operation voltage - Temperature compensation - Wide operating<br/>voltage range - Open-Collector pre-driver - 25mA maximum sinking output current.<br/>- Reverse polarity protection - Package : SIP3 , SOT23<br/><br/> Applications<br/><br/> - Brush-less DC Motor - Brush-less DC Fan - Revolution counting - Speed measurement<br/><br/> General Debion<br/><br/> ATS177 is an integrated Hall effect latched sensor designed for electronic commutation<br/>of brush-less DC motor applications. The device includes an on-chip Hall voltage<br/>generator for magnetic sensing,a comparator that amplifies the Hall voltage, and<br/>a schmitt trigger to provide switching hysteresis for noise rejection , and open-collector<br/>output. An internal bandgap regulator is used to provide temperature compensated<br/>supply voltage for internal circuits and allows a wide operating supply range. If<br/>a magnetic flux density larger than threshold Bop ,DO is turned on (low )。 The<br/>output state is held until a magnetic flux density reversal falls below Brp causing<br/>DO to be turned off (high)。<br/><br/>