Drive inverter is suitable for industrial and commercial systems, used for the operation of AC asynchronous motors or permanent field AC synchronous motors. These motors must be suitable for working with frequency converters and other loads cannot be connected to the unit. The movidrive MD 60A drive transber is used for fixed installation of units in the switchgear. The instructions on the technical documentation and the licensing conditions for unit operation must be followed. Do not start until the compliance of the machine with EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and the final product has been determined in accordance with MachinervDirective 89/392/EEC (refer to EN 60204)
Equipment (running in a specified manner).
Unless b measures are taken, the following uses are prohibited
Used in explosion-proof areas
Use in areas exposed to harmful oils, acids, gases, vapors, dust, radiation, etc. When used in non fixed applications, these applications will be subjected to machine vibration and shock loads exceeding the requirements of EN 50178. The MOVIDRIVE MD 60A frequency converter must perb any safety functions, and there is no higher level of safety prevention system. In order to ensure the safety of personnel and systems, a higher level of security prevention system must be established. The external components must be carried out in accordance with the material structure and current regulations, such as electronic waste (printed circuit boards), plastic (housing)Gold platecopperetc.