上架日期:2012-05-04 10:26:40



     联系人 :李 松( 销售经理 24小时服务热线 186 0165 7819

     电话( Tel ): 021-60641328    

    工作( Q Q  1471187088 邮箱( Email )::1471187088@qq.com  

     地址( Add ):上海市松江区弘翔路58195

    公司优势产品系列=西门子S7-200CN | S7-300PLC |  触摸屏 | 变频器 | 伺服电机 | 数控系统 | 总线电缆| 开关电源

    6AV3637-1LL00-0FX1 销售(OP37)

    6AV3607-1JC20-0AX1 销售(OP7\DP)

    6AV3617-IJC20-0AX1 销售(OP17\DP)

    6AV3617-1JC00-0AX1 销售(OP17\PP) 

    6AV3627-1LK00-1AX0 销售(OP27)


    6AV3637-1LL00-0FX1 销售(OP37)

    6AV3637-1ML00-0FX0 销售(OP37)

    6AV3637-1ML00-0CX0 销售(OP37)

    6FC5203-0AF00-0AA1 销售(OP010)

    6FC5203-0AF01-0AA0 销售(OP010C)

    6FC5203-0AF04-0AA0 销售(OP010S)

    6FC5203-0AF03-0AA0 销售(OP015)

    6AV6 542-0BB15-2AX0 销售(OP170B)5.7

    6AV6 641-0CA01-0AX0 销售(OP77B)4.5

    6AV6 641-0CA01-0AX1 销售( OP 77B) 单色 4.5

    6AV6 642-0DC01-1AX0 销售(OP177B)5.7

    6AV6643-0BA01-1AX0 销售(OP277)5.7

    6AV6 641-0BA11-0AX0 销售(OP77A)4.5

    6AV6 641-0AA11-0AX0 销售(OP73) 单色 3

    6AV6 640-0BA11-0AX0 销售(OP73micro)3

    6AV6 545-0CA10-0AX0 销售 TP270-6触摸式面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示

    6AV6 545-0CC10-0AX0 销售TP270-10触摸式面板,10.4寸彩色中文显示
    6AV6 542-0CA10-0AX0 销售 OP270-6操作员面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示
    6AV6 542-0CC10-0AX0 销售 OP270-10操作员面板,10.4寸彩色中文显示

     The text-based and graphics-based operator panels are now               
       available in three custom-design variations in Germany,                 
       Belgium, Denmark, Britain, Finland, France, the Netherlands,            
       Ireland, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Austria, Portugal,          
       Sweden, Switzerland, Spain and the USA.                                 
       The easy way to a customized design:                                    
       The HMI Design Center produces the customized design for the            
       above SIMATIC HMI products based on one of the three available          
       custom-design options and in consultation with you, the                 
       customer, and draws up the production documentation.                    
       1. General Technical Requirements                                       
       The 3 customized design options are as follows:                         
       Option A:   ! Custom company logo and unit designation                  
                   ! in 2 colors,  (1 background and 1 foreground              
                   ! color)                                                    
       Option B:   ! As Option A plus:                                         
                   ! Custom front panel film color (single color),             
                   ! Custom key labeling and key symbols                       
                   ! (max. 2 colors) and custom key background                 
                   ! color (max. 4 colors)                                     
       Option C:   ! As Option B plus:                                         
                   ! Custom front case color                                   
                   ! (single color)                                            
       The customized design options apply to the following products:          
       Unit          !  Standard Panel    ! Customized Design                  
                     !  Order No.         ! Order No.                          
       TD17          ! 6AV3017-1NE30-0AX0 !                                    
       OP7/PP        ! 6AV3607-1JC00-0AX1 ! The customized-design              
       OP7/DP        ! 6AV3607-1JC20-0AX1 ! products have a                    
       OP7/DP12      ! 6AV3607-1JC30-0AX1 ! different order no. from           
                     !                    ! the corresponding standard         
       OP17/PP       ! 6AV3617-1JC00-0AX1 ! units indicating the type          
                     !                    ! of design modification             
       OP17/DP       ! 6AV3617-1JC20-0AX1 ! and the customer's name            
       OP17/DP12     ! 6AV3617-1JC30-0AX1 ! in encoded b.                   
       TP070         ! 6AV6545-0AA15-2AX0 !                                    
       TP170A        ! 6AV6545-0BA15-2AX0 !                                    
       OP27/Mono     ! 6AV3627-1JK00-0AX0 !                                    
       OP27/Color    ! 6AV3627-1LK00-1AX0 !                                    
       TP27-6"/Mono  ! 6AV3627-1NK00-2AX0 !                                    
       TP27-6"/Color ! 6AV3627-1QK00-2AX0 !                                    
       TP27-10"/Color! 6AV3627-1QL00-0AX0 !                                    
       OP37/STN      ! 6AV3637-1LL00-0AX1 !                                    
       OP37/STN+FD   ! 6AV3637-1LL00-0FX1 !                                    
       OP37/TFT+FD   ! 6AV3637-1ML00-0FX0 !                                    
       OP37/TFT+FD+HD! 6AV3637-1ML00-0CX0 !                                    
       TP37/Color    ! 6AV3637-1PL00-0AX0 !                                    
       In the case of units with plastic front panel (TP070 and                
       TP170A), only Options A and C (not B) are possible.                     
       Modifications to the electronic or mechanical hardware or the           
       firmware of the unit (e.g. different display, keyboard layout,          
       extra functions) are not included.                                      
       2. General Ordering Conditions                                          
       If you have any questions regarding the general ordering                
       conditions, please contact your local Siemens representative.           
       2.1 Prices and Numbers                                                  
       There is an extra charge for the customized-design units in             
       comparison with the standard units.                                     
       In addition to the price of the unit, net once-only costs               
       are charged for which there is a separate order number which            
       must be quoted along with the order number for the customized           
       operator panel.                                                         
       In the case of the TP070 and TP170A units, only Options A and C         
       are possible.                                                           
       OP7, OP17,TD17,    !  Order Number for        !                         
       TP27,TP37          !  Net Once-Only Costs     !                         
       Customized         !                          !                         
        Option   A        !     6AV3678-1FY10        !                         
        Option   B        !     6AV3678-1FY20        !                         
        Option   C        !     6AV3678-1FY30        !                         
       OP27               !                          !                         
       Customized         !                          !                         
        Option   A        !     6AV3678-1GY10        !                         
        Option   B        !     6AV3678-1GY20        !                         
        Option   C        !     6AV3678-1GY30        !                         
       TP070,TP170A       !                          !                         
       Customized         !                          !                         
        Option   A        !     6AV3678-1JY10        !                         
        Option   B        !     Not applicable       !                         
        Option   C        !     6AV3678-1JY30        !                         
       OP37               !                          !                         
       Customized         !                          !                         
        Option   A        !     6AV3678-1HY10        !                         
        Option   B        !     6AV3678-1HY20        !                         
        Option   C        !     6AV3678-1HY30        !                         

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