American ASCO G551A001MS solenoid valve is used for electric control operation of pneumatic valve "open" or "close". Complies with the NAMUR connection standard and is directly installed on the side of the pneumatic actuator without the need for pipe connection. Choose single electric control or double electric control according to the needs of instrument control system; two-b five-way solenoid valve with double-acting actuator, two-b three-way solenoid valve with single-acting actuator, simple, compact, small size and long life long. The product has basic type (IP67) and explosion-proof type, explosion-proof level IExd II BT4, and its explosion-proof level is suitable for the explosive environment of the factory.
ASCO G551A001MS电磁阀作为工业自动化控制系统中的重要执行机构,可远距离集中控制能满足计算机程控的需要;如今在石油化工、燃气设备、核工业、电力装备、环保水处理、暖通空调、钢 铁冶金、工业窑炉、罐装设备、酿酒设备、干燥设备、真空设备、表面处理、生物制药、食品机械、纺织印染、造纸等行业中得到广泛的使用,也是国防建设、科技 建设的产品。