上架日期:2014-09-23 10:04:58

        1896年 德国德蒙研制出第一台无油氮气压缩机组以来,一直致力气体压缩机领域的研发与生产,是德国在气体压缩领域著名品牌,其产品包括活塞无油静音系列、螺杆式空压机、真空泵、罗茨鼓风机、移动式高压空气压缩机、离心机等。 集团总部设在德国西部北莱茵-威斯特法伦州鲁尔区的多特蒙德主机研发中心所使用的精密加工和检测设备全部为国际一流水平,确保产品完美地实现设计要求。
        德蒙(上海)压缩机械有限公司成立以来,孜孜以求新技术的研发与推广运用,确保各项工艺紧密同步与欧洲标准,公司在德国设立有专门的研发中心,加上对中国市场需求及运行工况的充分理解,产品针对国内运行工况设计,压缩机系统主要部件从欧洲成套进口, 采用欧洲标准总装线生产,并藉此严格控制上海生产基地生产 各零配件的原装进口率,使其生产的每一台德蒙空压机各项性能指标同步欧洲标准。
        德蒙不仅可向您提供最小至5.5KW,最大至550KW的高品质螺杆式空气压缩机,同时还提供相配套的压缩空气后处理设备。在给您带来 极大便利的同时,您也拥有了我们快捷、专业的服务。
        目前,德蒙(上海)压缩机械有限公司在中国大陆的销售服务网络已超过100家,划分为华东、华南、华西、华北、东北五大区域, 在全国主要城市都设立了办事机构,并有优秀服务人员长期在各地为您提供最优质快捷的机组保养和维修服务。

    Since the 1896 German de developed the first oil-free gas compressor, R & D and production has been working gas compressor field, is the German compression field of well-known brands in the gas, its products include piston oil free series, screw type air compressor, vacuum pump, Luo Cigu fan, mobile type high pressure air compressor, centrifugal machine etc.. The group is headquartered in the western German state of North Rhine Westphalia Ruhr district of Dortmund host the R & D center of precision machining and testing equipment for the international first-class level, to ensure that the products are perfect to achieve the design requirements.
    Diamond (Shanghai) compression machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005, is a Sino German cooperation in R & D, production, management of high-tech enterprises, the company is located in Shanghai City, Songjiang District export processing zone, covers an area of ten thousand square meters, the existing staff of more than 300, the main City in provinces across the country set up offices.
    Diamond (Shanghai) compression machinery Co., Ltd. since its establishment, diligently strive after the new technology development and application, to ensure that the process is closely synchronized with the European standards, the company set up in Germany has a dedicated R & D center, in addition to Chinese market demand and running conditions of the full understanding, products for domestic operating condition of the main components of the system design, compressor complete sets of imported from Europe, produced by the European standard assembly line, and to strictly control the production base in Shanghai production of various parts of the original import rate, so the production of each diamond compressor perbance of synchronous European standard.
    De we not only provide you the minimum to 5.5KW, high-quality screw type air compressor to a maximum of 550KW, while also providing compressed air treatment equipment matching. The tremendous convenience to you at the same time, you also have our fast, professional service.
    At present, Caedmon (Shanghai) compression machinery Co. Ltd. in Chinese mainland sales service network has more than 100, divided into East, West, north, northeast of Southern China, five regions, in the main city in the country have established offices, and has excellent service personnel have long been in providing the best maintenance and repair service for you.
    The best-selling products from quality, selection of de compressor, will provide a strong impetus to the progress and the development of your business.

    24小时在线联系方式:13818525986/021-67625676-611(罗浩)  联系QQ:2850630214  公司电话:021-67625676-611  联系邮箱:h.luo@dreamcomp.cn

      采用德国著名原装品牌主机,无振动,低噪音,大转子,低转速,强大的心脏决定了整机的优异性能。转子经严格的动, 静平衡试验, 使其运转平衡更好, 振动更小, 噪声更低,同时在直径不变的情况下,转子长度增加,有效压缩面积增加,从而达到流量增加,功耗降低。

    1、转子: 选用对称型线,运行效率高,选用圆柱滚动轴承,提高了承受能力。支撑着转子可靠的运行,磨损小,维护保养费用低,主机寿命长,可靠安全性高。
      3、轴承: 为了保证轴承的转速和负载量,螺杆压缩机采用SKF轴承受重能力相当高的优质轴承,保持了较长的轴承寿命。
      5、进气阀: 采用独特的碟式进气阀,气动功能集约化,仅一个运动部件,可靠性高,无需日常维护,并能随着实际使用气量的多少,对压缩的气量进行0~~100%无级调解,自动的加载和卸载, 从而降低了能耗,进气阀内设有单向阀,以防止突然停机时,油和空气回流。压力损失小,工作寿命长,是目前最可靠,效率最高的进气调节方式。
    9、ES3000 型智能控制系统:
    安装了 ES3000 型智能控制系统的机器在卸载运行时可通过控制器的“智能停机”功能,根据实际用气量,自动计算、自动控制,再根据每
    ● 不超过每小时的最多启动次数
    ● 需用气时机器立即重新启动

    Two, screw air compressor characteristics
    1) the product core configuration
    The famous German original brand of host, no vibration, low noise, big rotor, low speed, strong heart determines the excellent perbance of the machine. Rotor by the strict dynamic, static balance test, the operation of a better balance, less vibration, lower noise, at the same time in diameter unchanged, the length of the rotor increases, the effective compression area increased, so as to achieve the flow increases, power consumption.
    1, the rotor: choose the symmetric line, high operating efficiency, selection of cylindrical roller bearing, improve the ability to withstand. Supporting the rotor and reliable operation, small abrasion, low cost maintenance, host and long service life, reliable safety.
    2, shaft sealing device equipped with a double ring: fluorine rubber ring bl frame can bear a certain pressure, bing a lubrication of the shaft sealing device. Bushing shaft system for special processing of my company exclusive technology, has perfect sealing perbance and long life.
    3, bearing: in order to ensure the running speed of the bearing and load, high quality bearing screw compressor using SKF bearing capacity is high, keep a long bearing life.
    4, the system design: technical staff of the system optimization design makes fault reduce outgassing, more fully, so that the energy dissipation ratio in the advanced ranks counterparts.
    5, the intake valve: the disc type inlet valve is unique, pneumatic intensive function, only one moving part, high reliability, no need of daily maintenance, and with much practical use gas, 0~~100% stepless mediation of compressed gas, automatic loading and unloading, and reduces the energy consumption, intake the valve is provided with a one-way valve, in order to prevent a sudden stop, oil and air flow. Low pressure loss, long service life, is the most reliable, efficient air conditioning mode.
    6, pressure maintaining valve: high tightness is we have been pursuing the goal, with unique design and material. Make you no oil spills, leakage and other common problems of air compressor.
    7, the inbligent control: automatic control timing switch machine industry leading, selection of electrical components are famous brand electrical appliances throughout the world, can let you in the process of using air compressor to appreciate the reliable and fast.
    8, import monitoring system:
    1.LED English display;
    2 of short circuit, locked rotor, missing phase, overload, unbalanced all-round protection function;
    3 of the motor with a start stop control, operation control;
    4 for air compressor reversal protection;
    5 pairs of multi-point temperature detection and control protection;
    6 automatic mediation load rate control and protection;
    7 remote / local control selection;
    8 bage / independent selection operation;
    9.RS-485 communication function.
    9, ES3000 inbligent control system:
    Installation of the ES3000 inbligent control system of the machine in the unloading operation when the controller "inbligent stop" function, according to the actual consumption, automatic calculation, automatic control, according to each
    Hours allowed start times to choose the best downtime, so the machine operation, when the rated pressure to the machine set, compressor unloading operation. By shortening the unloading operation time
    Energy saving and stop, at the same time guarantee:
    ● no more than an hour starts
    ● use air when the machine immediaby restart

    24小时在线联系方式:13818525986/021-67625676-611(罗浩)  联系QQ:2850630214  公司电话:021-67625676-611  联系邮箱:h.luo@dreamcomp.cn


    NO.序号 Name品名                       Place of Origin产地       Brand品牌
    1 Screw Host机头                          Germany德国           DREAM
    2 Intake control valve 进气控制阀         Austria奥地利         HOERBIGER
    3 Bearing 轴承                          Sweden瑞典           SKF
    4 Couplings 联轴器                  Germany德国           KTR
    5 Solenoid valve电磁阀                  Germany德国          BURKERT
    6 PLC and electrical components
            PLC电器元件                          France法国         SCHNEIDER
    7 Pressure sensor压力传感器        Switzerland瑞士           HUBA
    8 Air filter assembly空气过滤器总成        Germany德国           MANN
    9 Oil and gas separator filter
            油气分离器滤芯                          Germany德国           MANN
    10 oil filter assembly油过滤器总成          Germany德国           MANN
    11 relief valve安全阀                   上海德蒙           DREAM
    12 cooler冷却器                           上海德蒙           DREAM
    13 Minimum pressure valve最小压力阀   上海德蒙           DREAM
    14 Temperature control valve温控阀            USA美国          AIR-CON
    15 Gas water separator气水分离器桶             上海            申江
    16 radiator fan风扇                   上海德蒙           DREAM
    17 Motor电机                          Germany德国           DENAIER
    18 Piping 管路                           上海德蒙           DREAM
    19 Inversely proportional valve反比例阀   Austria奥地利         HOERBIGER

    2 main parts list)
    The core components of Vandermonde screw compressor imported by headquarters, ensure the machine running reliable, company to process equipment, the headquarters of the advanced manufacturing technology and strong technical force, dedicated to provide first-class products and quality services for users.
    NO. Name Place of Origin number origin Brand brand name
    1 Screw Host head Germany DREAM of Germany
    2 Intake control valve Austria Austria HOERBIGER intake air control valve
    3 Bearing Sweden Sweden SKF bearing
    4 Couplings Germany KTR in Germany.
    5 Solenoid valve solenoid valve Germany BURKERT of Germany
    6 PLC and electrical components
    PLC France SCHNEIDER of France electrical components
    7 Pressure sensor pressure sensor Switzerland HUBA of Switzerland
    8 Air filter assembly air filter assembly Germany MANN of Germany
    9 Oil and gas separator filter
    Oil and gas separator filter Germany MANN of Germany
    10 oil filter assembly oil filter assembly Germany MANN of Germany
    11 relief valve safety valve Shanghai de DREAM
    12 Shanghai de DREAM cooler cooler
    13 Minimum pressure valve the minimum pressure valve Shanghai de DREAM
    14 Temperature control valve AIR-CON USA America temperature control valve
    15 Gas water separator gas water separator barrel Shanghai Shenjiang
    16 radiator fan fan Shanghai de DREAM
    17 Motor motor Germany DENAIER of Germany
    18 Piping line Shanghai de DREAM
    19 inverse Inversely proportional valve cases of valve Austria Austria HOERBIGER

    注释:空气先经过预过滤网,然后通过空气过滤器及进气控制器,进入螺杆主机压缩腔与润滑油混合,通过两个非对称转子进行线性的、连续的压缩。经过压缩的油气混合物进入油罐及分离系统进行三级分离(离心、自重和精分离)。经过分离的压缩空气通过冷却器降温后排出,可靠的压力开关系统控制排气压力。当机器运行时,螺杆压缩机润 滑油靠系统内压力差自动循环,无须油泵。刚开机时,最小压力阀关闭以保证润滑油油循环所需的最小压力。除了润滑,油还起到密封、冷却和降噪的作用。

    3) working principle diagram
    Note: air pre filter, and then through the air filter and the air inlet controller, into the screw compression mixing chamber and lubricating oil, continuous linear through two asymmetric rotor, compression. The compressed air-fuel mixture into the tank and separation system is three stage separation (centrifugal, weight and fine separation). After the separation of compressed air through the cooler cooling after discharge, discharge pressure control pressure switch system reliable. When the machine is running, the screw compressor lubricating oil system pressure difference on the automatic cycle, without pump. Just getting the minimum pressure valve closed, to ensure that the lubricating oil circulating minimum pressure required. Besides lubricating oil, also plays the sealing, cooling and noise reduction effect.

        德蒙(上海)压缩机械有限公司全球领先的压缩空气和压缩气体系统制造商之一 ——德国DREAM?的独资公司。公司秉承德国工业先进的设计理念和严谨的制造工艺,组装与集团在欧洲产品同步的DREAM?系列 螺杆式空气压缩机和后处理设备。并结合国内外用户的不同使用环境,不断革新,发挥专业设计、制造的优势,集团总部在久经考验的欧洲原版机型的基础上、在DREAM?系列空压机的冷却系统、防尘系统、操作系统及机组的可靠性等方面进行了增强设计。公司通过了英国劳氏认证的 ISO9002:2000生产管理过程严格遵循ISO9001国际质量体系, 环境管理体系认证。公司拥有一大批高素质的员工和在国外经过长期培训的高级技术人才,使得DREAM?产品自问世那天起就成为“高品质”、“高效率”的代名词。

    DREAM? 系列产品通过了中国通用机械产品节能认证


    24小时在线联系方式:13818525986/021-67625676-611(罗浩)  联系QQ:2850630214  公司电话:021-67625676-611  联系邮箱:h.luo@dreamcomp.cn



    4) product advantage
    1, compressed air production has a long history and strong
    Diamond (Shanghai) compression machinery limited company b leader in compressed air and gas compression system manufacturers -- Germany DREAM ? owned company. Company uphold the German industry advanced design concepts and strict manufacturing process, assembly and group synchronization in the European products DREAM ? series screw air compressor and after processing equipment. Combined with the domestic and foreign users of the different use of the environment, continuous innovation, to play professional design, manufacturing advantages, the headquarters of the group based on proven European original models, DREAM ? series air compressor cooling system, dust control system, operating system and the unit's reliability and other aspects of the enhanced design. The company passed the ISO9002:2000 production management process of Lloyd's certification strictly follow the ISO9001 international quality system, environmental management system certification. The company has a large number of high-quality staff in foreign countries and senior technical personnel after long-term training, make the DREAM ? products since the advent of the day will be "high quality", "high efficiency" of the pronoun.
    The company with its nearly a hundred years of professional experience, refine on attitude, to provide efficient, energy saving, reliable products and professional and thoughtful pre-sale after sale service for the user, the tireless pursuit of customer plant, improve the operating efficiency, reduce energy costs, and continue to enhance its market competitiveness, and thus by the user's trust and praise.
    2, advanced technology
    The company's products are imported to host the headquarters to provide. DREAM ? production is one of the world's most advanced host host, the most reliable. And constantly develop new products, always at the forefront of the world in technology. All completed by imported CNC machining equipment spraying from the host manufacturing to the shell, each procedure refine on, its quality and process always stand in the forefront of the world air compressor technology.
    3, equipment reliability
    In order to ensure the reliability of the equipment in the operation of the main parts of the products, selected by the European headquarters, unified procurement and distribution. Such as: host, unloading valve, the minimum pressure valve, temperature control valve, oil separator.
    4, excellent noise control technology and system
    5, energy-saving product certification
    DREAM ? series products passed the Chinese general machinery products energy saving certification
    6, the European standard, the certification of products:
    5) schematic diagram of compressor system.


    序号 项目名称                规格型号  数量 备注
    1 浙江青山钢铁有限公司         DM-7A   2 380V
    2 浙江鸡西市博晶水钻有限公司 DM-7A   1 380V
    3 江西天峰水泥有限公司(上饶) DM-7A   2 380V
    4 福建鼎信实业有限公司         DM-7A   2 380V
    5 广州阳江四纪青山有限公司 DM-7A   3 380V
    6 陕西神木县隆德矿业有限责任公司 DM-7A   4 380V
    7 德兴市金山金矿                 DM-7A   2 380V
    8 江西岩瑞铜业有限公司(上饶) DM-7A   3 380V
    9 江西世龙化工有限公司(乐平) DMW-7A   2 无油机
    10 江西华邦药业有限公司(万年) DMW-7A   2 无油机
    11 江西恩达家纺有限公司         DM-7A   2 380V
    12 河南焦煤能源股份有限公司 DM-7A   4 380V
    13 江苏协鑫硅材料有限公司         DM-7A   4 380V
    14 湖北宜昌宜化集团         DM-7A   1 380V
    15 湖南株洲化工集团         DMW-7A   2 无油机
    16 内蒙扬子照明有限公司         DM-7A   4 380V
    17 河南江河纸业                 DMW-7A   1 无油机
    18 安徽江淮股份有限公司         DM-7A   3 380V
    19 安徽凤阳玻璃厂                 DM-7A   2 380V
    20 徐州徐工轮胎有限公司         DM-7A   6 380V
    21 太子奶股份集团                 DMW-7A   3 无油机
    22 安徽金港船业有限公司         DM-7A   6 380V
    23 中铁隧道股份有限公司         DM-7A   5 380V
    24 黑龙江万力木业股份有限公司 DM-7A   3 380V
    25 青海洁神装备股份有限公司 DM-7A   4 380V
    26 嘉兴中谷半导体有限公司         DMW-7A   2 无油机
    27 上海西尼半导体科技有限公司 DM-7A   4 380V

    24小时在线联系方式:13818525986/021-67625676-611(罗浩)  联系QQ:2850630214  公司电话:021-67625676-611  联系邮箱:h.luo@dreamcomp.cn

    ●质保期  正常使用情况下,整机保修壹拾肆个月,主机伍年;对整机实行终生维护。
    ●安装调试  德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司负责免费开机、调试及对操作人员的现场培训,免费提供指导安装。在设备安装调试安装完毕后,派经验丰富的工程师到现场进行免费技术服务,并负责解决合同设备在安装调试运行中出现的问题。
    ●培训  免费提供在德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司或需方现场的技术培训,由需方确定培训时间的长短。
    ●维修服务  德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司在各主要城市、镇区设有维修服务点,具有最快捷的服务和配件供给。
    ●服务时效 使用期间,若设备发生故障,德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司经验丰富的专业工程师将自接到用户报修电话起4小时内到达现场维修,对设备出现的问题负责处理解决。在质保期内,所发生的费用均由我公司负担。无论质保期内还是质保期外,维修人员在到达现场后,一般故障2小时内解决。
    ●备机服务 如需更换关键部件,德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司也本着先解决问题,再谈价格的方式,以最快方式将代用品送到用户处,待旧品维修好之后再更换。
    ●小时服务 对任何DM空压机用户,无论是机器本身的质量问题还是使用上造成的问题,若需方有要求,供方任何时候(一天24小时)随时出发为需方排除故障,以保证需方的正常生产。
    ●正厂原装备件 对任何空压机用户,德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司保证向其提供的备件是正厂原装备件。
    服务品质保证 用户由德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司厂内维修工程师直接服务;其它地区用户由工厂维修工程师、办事处服务技师、服务商共同完成服务,重大维修由工厂进行,通过巡检的方式监督服务,保证服务质量。
    ●免收人工费 德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司承诺终身免收人工服务费,减少用户使用成本。
    ●设备巡检  每年免费对设备巡检六次,及时询问设备的运转情况,现场解决存在的问题。为使用户得到最为满意的服务,最大限度地满足用户的要求,德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司维修人员在对设备进行巡检、维护后,必须向用户提交《巡检单》或《维修单》,由用户填写意见,德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司将根据用户意见及 时改进服务质量,不断提升服务水准。
    ●服务网点  德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司在全国大部分地区设有维修服务点,他们拥有经德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司严格培训的持证维护人员,及时就近地为用户提供优质服务。在各维修服务点,德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司设有完备的备品备件仓库,在最短的时间内为您提供最快速便捷的服务和纯正的原厂备品配件。
    ●大修服务  德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司拥有专业化大修工厂,对需要大修的机器均经过严格的检测,确定大修方案。对大修完的机器,德蒙(上海)压缩机有限公司承诺其与新机具有同样的品质。

    Four, after sale service
    The warranty period under normal use, warranty for fourteen months, the host for five years; a life-long maintenance of the machine.
    DeMong ● installation (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. is responsible for on-site training free of charge to boot, commissioning and to operating personnel, to provide guidance to install free. In the equipment installation and commissioning after installation, send experienced engineers to the scene to conduct free technical services, and shall be responsible for the contract equipment installation debugging problems in operation.
    ● training provided free of charge in diamond (Shanghai) technology training limited or the site of the compressor, the length of training is determined by the buyer.
    ● repair service de (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. with repair service point in every major city, township, with the most efficient service and spare parts supply.
    During the use of the service time, if the equipment failure, Caedmon (Shanghai) Compressor Co., experienced engineers will received repair bephone users up to arrive at the scene repair within 4 hours, responsible for equipment problems solutions. In the warranty period, the costs incurred by our company burden. No warranty or warranty, repair personnel arrived at the scene, to solve the general failure within 2 hours.
    ● preparation machine service for replacement of key components, Caedmon (Shanghai) Co. Ltd is based on the first problem, talk about the price, the fastest way to substitute sent to the user, after repair and replacement of old products.
    ● hours service to any user of DM air compressor, both in terms of quality problem of the machine itself or cause problems, if the buyer is required, the supplier any time (24 hours a day at any time for the troubleshooting of), in order to ensure the normal production of the.
    ● is factory original spare parts for any air compressor user, Caedmon (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. to ensure the parts to provide is factory original spare parts.
    Quality of service users by Caedmon (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. factory repair engineer direct service; other users in the region by the factory repair service technicians, engineers, office services jointly complete the service, major repair by the factory, the inspection way of supervision and service, guarantee the quality of service.
    ● free of artificial cost de (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. is committed to waive fees artificial service life, reduce the cost of users.
    ● equipment inspection free annual on patrol six, asked timely equipment operation, solve the problems on site. As users get the most satisfactory service, the maximum meet user requirements, Caedmon (Shanghai) compressor company repair personnel in the equipment inspection, maintenance, must be bted to the user "single" or "inspection repair single", fill in by the user views, de Meng (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. improve the quality of services according to user opinion and, constantly improve the service level.
    ● service outlets monts (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. with repair service point in most parts of the country, they have the diamond (Shanghai) certified maintenance personnel compressor limited company strict training, timely provide the high-quality service for the users near. In the repair service point, Caedmon (Shanghai) Compressor Co., equipped with a complete spare parts warehouse, to provide the most rapid and convenient services and pure original factory spare parts for you in the shortest possible time.
    ● overhaul service de (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. has specialized repair factory, on the need to overhaul the machines have to undergo a rigorous testing, to determine the overhaul scheme. Overhaul completed machine, diamond (Shanghai) Compressor Co. Ltd. is committed with the new machine has the same quality.
    * normal usage refers to: the user must run 500 hours after head in equipment for the first time after the maintenance, in strict accordance with the "compressor using manual" requirements of the equipment operation, maintenance; and provide good ventilation, air dust less application environment for equipment.

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    Seven, the conclusion
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