目前产品已畅销国内外市场,纸及相关制品已远销到欧美、日本、丹麦、法国、比利时、乌克兰等国家和地区、深受国内外客户青睐。 热忱欢迎国内外客商携手合作,互惠互利,共同发展!
our handmade paper including:petal&leaf paper and handmade crepe paper and paper scroll and rice paper and handmade paper notebook and petal &crepe paper bag and paper shopping bag and wrapping gift paper and many kinds of decorating paper and many kinds of paper products etc. they can be used for making fan and gift wrapping and decorating books and album and inner room and making envelope and invitation etc,is handmade for superior strength and is made for lasting art. this paper has been relied upon by chinese artists for thousands of years and creative mark has finally brought them to your studio. all these papers are processed to take...